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All Our Training Programs

Discover our flexible training programs that you can choose from our predefined courses or customize according to your needs.

Modernization of Law 27 CNESST

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Dive into the crucial debate on mental health in the workplace! In this dynamic and demanding professional landscape.

From Recognition to Action

Managing stress is an omnipresent and often misunderstood topic. This training aims to deepen our understanding of stress.

French Language Training

CLIC is a government-recognized provider for training foreign workers.

English Language Training

Our training program is tailored for both individuals and businesses, available in-person or online.

Spanish Language Training

Our training program is tailored for both individuals and companies, available in-person or online.

Boost Your HR with Artificial Intelligence!

AI basics, applications, benefits and challenges.

Diversity Awareness and Combating Bias

Recognize and Understand Unconscious Bias. Techniques to Overcome Personal and Professional Prejudices.

Impact of a Foreign Workers Integration Program

Introduction to Establishing a Foreign Worker Integration Program. Benefits and Positive Impact for Employees and the Company.

Customized training

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Our training courses are flexible – available online, at your location, or in our offices – and tailored to individual or group needs.

By diving into our training programs, you choose a path to excellence and success. Whatever your need, we are here to support you at every step of your learning journey.

Our trainers

Discover our qualified trainers who will take you to the next level.

Y3 Group Trainer


Y3 Group Trainer


Y3 Group Trainer

John Doe

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